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Fertility Treatment

Fertility Treatment

Mother Hood is Precious

MTI is renowned for offering high rate of successful treatments. We have highly skilled and professional doctors who use advanced technologies to treat patients. Our aim is to provide you with the ability to feel parenthood which also happens to be the most beautiful feeling in the world. We make sure that both mother and child are taken good care of. Your smile is of greatest value to us and our entire staff.

To know more about us, have a look at the information below:

IVF - In Vitro Fertilization (IVF)

A woman conceives when the egg released from the ovary meets with a sperm. The process is called fertilization and it occurs in the fallopian tube. A fallopian tube connects the uterus (womb) to the ovary. When a parent opts for IVF, sperm and egg are collected and united in a laboratory. After that, the embryos are transferred to the uterus to continue growth.

At IMH, we have advanced reproductive technologies with which our experts offer all kinds of affordable quality infertility treatments. We are spealized in IVF Clinic, IVF treatement, IVF cycle & IVF.

When IVF Can Be Done?

  • If both the fallopian tubes are blocked or absent which can be due to various reasons including to surgery, tubal pregnancyor infection (STD, or Tuberculosis) Endometriosis
  • In cases when the sperm count is very low and all other treatments like ovulation induction with intra uterine insemination have failed.
  • Couple who fail to conceiver despite having normal body conditions. In cases with unexplained infertility, IVF can be performed.
  • Patients who fail to conceive despite all routine treatments of infertility.
  • IVF is also preferred by patients who wish to conceive by the procedure of embryo and egg donation. Our IVF success rate is quite comparable with other leading units worldwide with a good 20-30%


Following are the five major steps in the IVF and embryo transfer sequence:

1. Monitor the development of ripening egg(s) in the ovaries

2. Collection of eggs

3. Obtaining the sperm.

4. Allowing fertilization and early embryo growth by putting the eggs and sperms in the laboratory under correct conditions.

5. Transferring the embryos into the uterus

6. Fertility drugs may be prescribed to patients as per the individual requirement. The drugs are given to control the timing of egg ripening and to increase the chance of collecting substantial number of eggs. An ultrasound is done to check the development of eggs and blood/urine test is performed to measure hormone levels. The tests are done before determining the egg retrieval schedule.

The Egg Retrieval Process

Under ultrasound guidance, a needle is passed through the top of the vaginato get to the ovary and follicles. Adequate sedation and local anesthesiais given to the patient to ensure comfort and ease. The fluid in the follicles is extracted through the needle. The eggs are collected from the ovary after they detach from the follicle wall. This is called "follicular aspiration." The importance of time is very crucial in the entire process which goes on only for 10 minutes. It is highly essential to take out the eggs when they are completely ripe. If taken out a little early, the eggs will not develop properly. And if taken out late, the egg also may develop poorly or may have already been released from the ovary and lost.

The eggs are put together with the sperm in incubators to allow fertilization to take place. Our embryologists keep observing the eggs to make sure that the fertilization process takes place properly and cell division occurs timely. One the eggs are fertilized, they are called embryos.

After 2-3 days of the egg retrieval, the embryos are placed in the woman's uterus. To uncover the neck of the womb (cervix), a speculum is injected into the vagina. Often under the ultrasound guidance, the embryos are suspended in a tiny drop of fluid and gently introduced through a tube into the womb. The woman is then advised to take proper rest and some tests including , blood tests and possibly ultrasound examinations are performed to check if pregnancy has been established.


What is IUI?

In Intrauterine insemination (IUI) fertility treatment in which specially washed spermsare placed directly into the uterus through a small tube. IUI aims at increasing the chances of fertilization by increase the number of sperm that reach the fallopian tubes. IUI provides the sperm a head start and hence gives it an advantage. But the sperm is not put together with the egg and it has to reach and fertilize the egg on its own. The IUI treatment is less invasive and less expensive option compared to IVF.

When is IUI used?

IUI treatment is preferred and prescribed in case of male factor infertility such as low sperm counts or if a sperm donor is being used. It is also performed when the woman's cervical mucus is less than ideal.

IUI is good for couple who do not wish to opt for IVF which is more expensive. Even though IUI is less effective per cycle than IVF, a couple may be able to afford more attempts with IUI.

How does IUI work?

The IUI treatment process is less invasive and quite simple. In most cases doctors prefer to use an ovulation drug like Clomid instead of fertility drugsto increase the chances of success.

The patient will most probably have to use an ovulation predictor kit at home during the time when treatment is done. The patient should call their doctor as soon as they detect the LH surge (the hormone that is highest right before ovulation and detected by ovulation kits).

In case where a sperm donor is not used, the male partner of the patient is asked to collect sperm (either in the clinic or at home). The doctors wash the sperm upon collection and place them directly into the woman's uterus via the cervix through a thin tube.

The IUI treatment is painless but the patient may feel slight cramping. The process is performed in a clinic by a doctor or a nurse.

How successful is IUI?

In a review of studies on IUI and unexplained infertility, just 4% of women got pregnant per cycle without fertility drugs, and 8% to 17% got pregnant when fertility drugs and IUI were combined.


All the steps of ICSI are almost similar to the steps in IVF. The only major difference is the fertilization step. In IVF usually one egg is put together with 100,000 sperms and one of the sperms fertilizes the egg on its own. On the other hand, one egg is placed with just one live sperm in ICSI. At IMH we provide you with best possible ICS treatment in India.

The ICSN procedure consists of the following steps:

  • Controlled Ovarian stimulation with drugs (GnRH Analogues and Gonadotrophins) to produce more eggs.
  • Examining follicles and egg development through vaginal sonography and serial Estradiol hormone estimation.
  • Administration of HCG injection, (Human Chorionic Gonadotrophins) when the two main follicles have a diameter of 18mm.
  • Oocyte or egg retrieval under short general anesthesia 35 to 37 hours after HCG injection.
  • Identification and isolation of eggs in the laboratory. Sperm collection and processing in the lab. Incase of azoospermia (no sperms in the semen) the sperms are obtained from the testis using the procedures such as PESA/MESA/FTNB/TESE or TESA.
  • With the help of an enzyme named Hyloronetis the eggs are dissected in the laboratory.
  • Eggs are then placed into small droplets of culture media under oil.
  • Sperms are immobilized with the help of a micro-injection needle and aspiration of the immobile sperm into the needle is done.
  • The egg is then held with a holding pipette and the immobilized sperm is injected into the egg. The eggs are then placed into the incubator for 2 to 5 days. It takes 2-5 days for embryo formation to happen after the fertilization process.
  • Good quality embryos are transferred back to the womb, after 2 (four cell embryo), 3 (six-eight cell embryo)or 5(blastocyst stage) days after egg removal.


1. Men with abnormal sperm factors such as low sperm count (less than 5 million), extremely bad motility or high degree of abnormal sperms.

2. Males with azozoospermia, which is a condition in which a man has no sperm present in the semen. There may be sperm production in testis but blockage of the conduction system which holds the sperms from entering into semen. This condition is called obtrusive azozoospermia. In non-obstructive type of azoospermia the testis fails to produce sperms. Nowadays, in both these types of azoospermia, sperms can be isolated directly from the testis, using the SPERM .

Other Fertility Treatment are :-

1. Frozen Embryo Replacement Cycle (FERC)

2. Surgical Sperm Retrieval (SSR)
Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA)
Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESA)
Vasal Aspiration
Micro-Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (MESA)
Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE)

3. Donor Oocytes
Blastocyst Transfer

4. Assisted Hatching

5. Donor Sperm

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